Development of an idea, writing a literary, director's script.
Creating a storyboard, searching for references.
Development artistic component of the film: creation of the image of the characters, stage space. Search for locations, selection of props.
Preparation of shooting estimates. Writing director's treatment. Formation of the film crew. Briefing with team members, clients and clients. A clear statement of the task to each member of the group.
Organization of casting, selection of actors.
Having experience as a makeup artist, stylist. Search/creation /stylization of costumes.
Drawing up a shooting schedule and monitoring compliance it. Organization of logistics. Operational management of the film crew, maintaining a report on the results of the shooting day.
Editing, color correction. Working with 3D and VFX artists: providing mudboards, sketches and detailed technical tasks, full project supervision.

Passion for the profession.
Understanding the device and use of NFT tokens, the metaverse.
Working with projects in different fields, big watching. Education and work in the arts, participation in independent projects, interaction with different social groups.
I’m interested in unfamiliar areas and new
tools. I'm ready to learning new programms and
try new platforms.
Experience and responsibility.
Extensive experience in creative projects in
various roles. Working on tfp conditions, in
multitasking mode, taught me tofind
non-standard, profitable solutions.